
Mango Island Kids: The Christmas Chronicle Part 5

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Part 5

The ringing sound of the clock screamed across the room, Teo slowly opened his eyes to see the clock shaking as it rung. Instead of turning it off however, he sat and started stretching, waiting for the clock to wake everyone else. He looked around to see the other kids starting to get up slowly. “Urgh… turn that thing off!” said Mike.

Teo looked to see everyone was slowly getting up, so he reached for the clock and looked around on it to see how to turn it off. Sabrina walked up to him and gently took the clock off of him. “I’ve got it.” She pressed a button on the back making the clock stop.

Samantha slowly sat up from the couch; she looked perfectly fine once again. “Morning guys… so what’s for breakfast?”

Sabrina walked up to her and placed her hand on her forehead for a second or two. “Ok, you can have something but you’re restricted to only two meals.”

“What?! Why?!”

“We don’t want you throwing up for a second time. Either only have two meals or none!”

Mike and Jack slowly got out of their beds as Bowla got out of hers. “Well I know one thing. We have nothing to worry about.” Said Bowla. “No one on this train is an enemy, and it’s not like they can just fly over and attack the train.”

“It would seem unlikely.” Said Sabrina.

Suddenly the cat Celina ran in, jumped up onto the couch Teo sat on and bit onto his shirt sleeve and started pulling. “What’s wrong Celina?”

The kids left Room 4 answering to Celina, she then ran to the direction of the next carriage with rooms one and two. Teo immediately followed her whereas the others went towards the restaurant carriage “We’ll save a seat for you.” Said Bowla.

Teo entered the next carriage where he saw Celina looking down onto the floor seeing a small spider. Teo rubbed the back of his head feeling confused. “Um… you don’t like spiders?” Teo gently kneeled down and cupped his hands together catching the spider, despite Teo being typically a shy scared little kid; he had no fear of spiders whatsoever. He then placed his hands on the windowsill and opened them letting the spider go on there.

Teo noticed Celina running to the next door. “W-Wait…” he started running after her. “You know I cannot understand what you mean if you don’t talk!”

Back in the restaurant carriage, we find the others sitting at a table reading the menus while they waited for Mandy to arrive and take their orders. While Sabrina read hers she noticed a spider crawling down from the top of her menu, she let out a quick shriek before throwing her menu behind her. The others noticed her fear induced face. “You really don’t like spiders do you?” asked Jack.

“Do any of you?” asked Sabrina looking annoyed. She turned to look at the menu she threw, the spider quickly ran from it and towards the kitchen, as Sabrina looked to where the spider was going, and she noticed that the entire kitchen was empty. “Where’s Luigi?”

That one question made the others realise something. “Never mind Luigi… where’s everybody?” asked Samantha. The kids looked around to see the entire carriage was empty, no passengers, no chef or waitress, nothing.

“Must be sleeping in.” said Mike as he looked back at his menu. But he looked away as the kids heard a loud rumble… it WASN’T the train.

Teo and Celina entered the engine room, there they saw the train driver who turned to them, and then he pointed to a sign saying ‘Don’t talk to the driver. And don’t touch the machinery.’ Celina ran closer to the driver with Teo slowly following her feeling nervous. “Um… w-we shouldn’t be here.” Teo whispered.

“Hm?” said the driver getting Teo and Celina’s attention. They noticed a small spider on the windscreen. “That’s odd… how’d a spider get on there?”

Celina puffed up and started hissing at the spider making Teo and the driver looked at her confused. “What’s wrong?”

Suddenly there was a loud rumble, and to their shock, the entire windscreen became mobbed with millions of tiny spiders blocking their view entirely. “YEEAAAAARGH!” screamed the driver. He immediately put the windshield wipers on to try and brush the spiders off, but more spiders kept taking their place. “BAD! BAD! BAD! THIS IS REALLY FLIPPING BAD!!”

‘Looks like the enemy isn’t done with us yet!’ thought Teo.

The driver turned to him. “Kid, quick! Go check on the passengers!”

“R-Right!” Teo and Celina ran out of the engine room and into the next carriage, he grew both shocked and terrified to see every window was blocked by spiders and could feel the entire train getting rocked by them.

Teo opened the door to Room 2. “Trixie?!” he called, but there was literally no one in that room. So he and Celina ran to the next carriage with rooms, three, four and five. He immediately opened up the door to Room 3 where the Heavy Weapons Guy was, but he was nowhere to be found either. “W-Where is everyone?!” The train rocked again, this time Teo saw some of the spiders squeezing their way through the window gaps. So he and Celina ran from this room and headed towards the restaurant carriage.

Teo entered the restaurant carriage only to find the other kids fighting the small spiders by either stomping on them or smacking them with objects they could find on the tables. “I… HATE… SPIDERS!!!” Sabrina screamed.

Celina suddenly jumped in between the kids and a sudden blast of light shot from her fur which began to swish and sway, the spiders immediately ran back and went through the cracks in the walls and windows. “H-How did you do that?!” exclaimed Mike as the light died down.

“Celina did say she has a fraction of Santa’s magic in her.” Said Teo. Celina turned and meowed to him. “What? The roof?!” Teo turned to the others. “Celina said one of the bad guy’s is on the roof with some hostages!”

“What?!” asked Bowla. “Well how do we get onto the roof?!”

Celina meowed a few times again. “There's a way onto the roof at the back.” Said Teo.

The kids and Celina all ran towards the next carriage with rooms six, seven and eight. They felt another rocking from the train. Instead of looking into the rooms for the other passengers, they ran to the end where they saw the door but no conductor. Sabrina tried desperately to open the door but it couldn’t.

“Movie it!” shouted Mike as he and Samantha immediately pushed past the kids and at the same time, they both slammed themselves into the door forcing it open breaking the locks as well as parts of the door.

To their shock, they saw a huge mountain of spiders covering half of the storage carriage. Bowla immediately stepped forward and took a deep breath; she then unleashed a massive yet controlled flame across the spiders scorching them to dust.



As the spiders charged away, they saw Yen and Mandy being thrown out from the spiders as the rest of them ran out of the carriage and through another door leading outside. Teo ran up to Yen and Mandy to see they were wearing different clothing; Mandy wore a strange black see-through outfit which exposed parts of her body while Yen simply had his shirt off.

“Yen, Mandy! Are you two ok I saw- what are you wearing?” asked Teo looking at Mandy feeling both confused and strangely mesmerized.

“None of your business!” exclaimed Mandy as she tried to cover herself with her arms while blushing.

“We’re not sure why those spiders ambushed us, but they’ve got the others on the roof.” Said Yen.

Sabrina looked towards the door swinging open; she grew nervous seeing the freezing winds shoot by. “It’s cold enough outside, with that wind hammering us, we’ll freeze in seconds. We need our winter clothing! B-But because they’re so thick, it’ll restrict our movements!”

Celina jumped forward and released another bright light making her fur swish and sway. The kids felt this light around them, it felt very warming actually. She then meowed at Teo. “Celina said this light will keep us warm.”

“Ok. C’mon let’s move!” said Bowla. The kids all ran towards the door leaving Yen and Mandy behind.

Teo was the first to run out, but he came to a screeching stop seeing he only had so little room to walk around, there was a tiny metal platform with a metal fence, Teo grew surprised to see the scenery zooming past them, and the train itself was riding across a massive stone bridge several hundred feet high off the ground. But what surprised him the most was the giant golden bubble made of light which surrounded the entire train blocking the snow and winds. He knew this was Celina’s doing, after all he couldn’t feel the cold or the winds.

Teo looked behind him to see a ladder going up to the roof, so he immediately started climbing up, but grew horrified to see millions upon millions of spiders all crawling along the roof and sides, as Teo got to the top, he noticed the spiders starting to crawl around his legs and feel their strength trying to push him down. But Teo immediately crouched down and spun around smacking his tail around the spiders sending them flying, he then started to jump around smashing the spiders.

“TEO MOVE!” shouted Sabrina, Teo looked behind him and jumped out of the way, letting Bowla breath fire across the roof burning the spiders to dust.

“Leave it to me!” said the smug looking Bowla. “I’ve been itching to go full force with my fire!” Bowla took another deep breath and shot out another massive stream of fire across the top of the train scorching more spiders.

“ATTACK!” Shouted Mike. The kids charged forward stepping on any spider that got close to them, whereas Bowla stood in front of them at all times using her fire breath. The kids slowly got off the top of the storage carriage and making their way closer to the front of the train.

Within a minute of constant attacking, they made it on top of the restaurant carriage roof. But suddenly, every spider let out a massive deafening screeching sound making all six cover their ears. “WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!” Shouted Jack.

Jack got his answer when they all saw the spiders retreating to the front of the train, starting to bunch up into a huge ball of spiders at the very front. Sabrina’s eyes shrunk feeling horrified. “Oh… no…”

Once every single spider was in the giant ball, it suddenly began to create six legs, a giant scorpion tail and a long snake-like neck with a giant spider head. All the spiders formed together to create a giant monstrous spider. It then shot out six long tendrils from its back, and inside those tendrils were the remaining passengers panicking as they tried to get free.

“T-The other passengers!” said Teo.



The kids stepped back feeling nervous. “Not a bad monster if I say so myself!” said an ominous voice, the kids looked around confused.

“W-Who said that?!” asked Mike.

“I DID!” The kids looked up to see an old fat man fly down to them using his long beard as wings. It was the Ice King. “What’s up kiddos? So yeah, as you might have guessed, these are the same spiders you met at that station yesterday, I put them there to pull that lever and attack the train!”

“Who are you, you fat geezer?!” asked Bowla.

“I’m the Ice King! And I’m here to make sure you don’t save Santa or Christmas!” he then pointed to his giant spider monster. “And my little Geoffrey here is gonna make sure of it!”

“Geoffrey? You seriously named that freak Geoffrey?!” asked Mike.

“Hey! He’s no freak! I find him adorable as a matter of fact!” Ice King began to stroke the spider’s head. “Aren’t you my adorable little Geoffrey Weoffrey? Yes you are! Yes you are!”

“I’m gonna be sicky wicky if that freaky weaky keeps baby talking his spidey widey.” Said the disgusted looking Bowla.

The Ice King chuckled and floated back. “Now then my Geoffrey! Smashy washy these bratty watties!”

The spider raised its head and slammed it down towards the kids who jumped back. Bowla shot a stream of fire at the spider’s head causing it to bounce off in several areas, but it still did some damage. The spider then shot one of its tendrils down trying to strike Bowla, but she dodged to the side and Teo began running up the tendril towards the Ice King who shot a beam of ice towards him, but Teo jumped in time making the ice hit the tendril freezing it in a section of it. Which Teo landed and slammed his super strong tail onto it smashing it to pieces making the tendril fall off onto the train making it explode into hundreds of spiders flying everywhere.

In the blast, Eddy, Inspector Gadget and Luigi were freed from the tendril. Teo jumped off of the giant spider with his claws out readying to strike Ice King, but the giant spider’s tail suddenly grabbed him and threw him far to the right and off of the train.

“TEEOO!!!” Screamed Bowla.

“GO-GO GADGET ARM!” Gadget extended his arm forward and caught Teo, but instead of bringing him back, he threw Teo towards the Ice King.

Just before the tail could grab him again, Bowla shot a huge stream of fire from her mouth blasting the tail to smithereens letting Teo latch onto Ice King’s face and started clawing and biting him. “GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF! GEOFFREY! HELP ME!”

The spider turned its head and shot two more of its tendrils towards Teo. But Luigi came out of from the sky and slammed his feet firmly on one of the tendrils shooting it down and smacking the top of the train and letting Tad and Chad free but not Stan. Before the tendril lifted up again, Tad and Chad grabbed onto Stan’s arms and tried to pull him out, but they got lifted up too.

The second tendril aimed for Teo, but he saw this and flipped up onto Ice King’s head making the tendril hit him in the chest instead sending him flying back, but Ice King flew forward again, grabbed Teo and held him in front of him to blast him with an ice attack at point-blank range. But before he could, a yo-yo shot out of nowhere smacking Ice King releasing his grip on Teo making him drop, Teo saw he was about to land on the spider’s back, so he quickly spiralled his tail and shot it down onto the spider’s back causing it to hit the top of the train hard and shook it’s tendrils unintentionally. The force of this freed Stan, Tad and Chad making them fall off the side of the train, that was until Gadget shot both of his arms towards them and they caught them.

Gadget quickly places them on the far end of the train out of harm’s way as Eddy retracted his yo-yo to throw again at the Ice King, but he moves to the side dodging the yo-yo and shoots another ice blast towards Eddy. “Go-Go Riot Shields!” Gadget jumps in front of Eddy and turns both of his arms into two large riot shields and blocks the ice blast. “Go-Go Mini Missiles!” he turns his right arm back to normal and his hand went into his sleeve and was replaced with seven tiny missiles which all fired at once.

Ice King shot out several ice beams at the missiles, four of them got frozen, one hit the Ice King and the other two struck the back of the spider causing all of its tendrils to blast off and the remaining passengers fell off the sides of the train.

“TRIXIE!” Yelled Eddy seeing her fall off the left side, literally without thinking, he ran towards the edge and actually jumped off the train to try and catch her.

“Go-Go Gadget Arm!” Gadget shot both of his arms out over both sides of the train trying to catch everyone, but only a few were not close enough to grab his arms or get caught by Gadget’s arms. Heavy, Ed, Veronica, Trixie and Eddy all continued to fall.

Eddy quickly grabbed Trixie’s arm. “I got you!” he then moved Trixie to just above him and kept his arms around her.

Suddenly the two landed on the barrier and bounced off of it slightly breaking their fall. The same applied for the others. “Huh? It’s solid?” asked the Heavy.

Gadget was looking down the entire time and sighed with relief, he looked at his two arms holding the remaining passengers, and ahead to see the kids fighting the spider and Ice King. “It’s safer for you to be down there and away from the battle!” Gadget shook both his arms making everyone lose their grips and fall to the bottom of the barrier where they bounced off of it and landed softly. “Go-Go Laser!” Gadget’s two index fingers opened up and started firing small blue lasers at the spider’s head.

At the bottom of the barrier, they all noticed the driver opening both windows on the front and threw out large rope ladders on each one. “Quick! Climb up! We don’t know how long this shield will last!” the passengers immediately ran towards the rope ladders and began climbing up them.

Mike got on the head of the spider and started punching it repeatedly while Samantha kept her arms around the tail and held it back. But the spider shot more tendrils out which picked up the two, but before any harm could come to them, Bowla shot a stream of fire at the tendrils cutting them and making Mike and Samantha fall towards the spider. The two then got their elbows ready and slammed onto the spider’s back causing it to his the train hard. Teo jumped onto its head and leapt up towards the Ice King, but he shot an ice blast directly at Teo encasing his body in a block of ice and sending him flying back, but the ice actually started to melt rapidly due to the head inside the barrier and Teo immediately recovered, jumped off of the spider’s body again and leapt at the Ice King faster and latched his claws onto his face.

“WILL YOU GET OFF!!” Shouted Ice King as he tried to pull him off, after a few seconds he did but Teo shot forward and kicked the crown off of Ice King’s head and it fell down onto the bottom of the barrier. “NO! MY CROWN! MY SOURCE OF POWER!”

“Is it?” asked Teo. “GOOD TO KNOW!” Teo cupped his hands together and slammed them onto Ice King’s head making him fall down a bit, then Teo leapt up to just above him, curled his tail up and shot it down onto the Ice King’s face making him fall down to the bottom like a screaming rocket. But just as he was about to hit the ground, the barrier suddenly opened for both him and his crown and they fell through the barrier and into the frozen forest below. Teo began to fall himself, that was until Gadget shot his arm forward and grabbed Teo and pulled him back next to him.

The spider slammed its head onto the train making everyone fly back. The spider then raised its head again for another attack.

“HII-YAAH!” Shouted Mandy as she flew down at the spider dive-kicking it in the face. The force of it actually tipped the spider back onto its end legs.

“HAWK-WAVE!” Shouted Yen as he kicked his leg up and shot a large red energy wave from it shooting past the others and striking the spider’s underbelly sending it flying from the train with the energy wave still pushing it.

While in the air, the wave slowly blasted through the spider in a powerful shockwave. The spider let out a massive screech as white lights began to emit from it and exploded into a flurry of dead spiders fall down onto the bottom of the barrier until it opened up letting them fall to the forest.

“Wow! We did it!” exclaimed Jack.

The others looked over to Mandy and Yen. “Didn’t expect us to be ace fighters did you?” asked Yen.

“Ace fighters in cute outfits.” Said Gadget saluting. “None the less you were a big help even if it was a the last minute.”

“How come you took so long anyway? Weren’t you just behind us?” asked Bowla.

“Hey! You saw what I was wearing!” said Mandy looking both annoyed and a bit embarrassed. “If you thought for a second I was going out there in THAT, you have another thing coming!”

The gang looked around to see the barrier faded for a second before coming back. “Something tells me this barrier will not last long!” said Sabrina. “We better get back inside before we get bombarded by a two-hundred mile an hour artic wind!”


Everyone was now in the restaurant carriage. “My goodness, for three days you kids have done nothing but help us.” Exclaimed Edd. “First with the missing pans, the guy threatening to blow up the train, lowering the drawbridge so we can continue and now fighting that giant monstrosity and that Ice King guy.”

“I know. I am amazing.” Said the smug looking Mike.

Bowla suddenly pushes Mike. “But the real heroes are Teo, Sabrina and I.”

“We owe you huge debt.” Said the Heavy. “You’re on mission to save Santa Claus right? Well allow me to help you.”

Eddy placed his right arm around Trixie. “You helped me and Trixie hook up, we grew to like each other more thanks to you. You can count me and my boys in.”

“Not only did you save by belongings but also my life.” Said Sharpfin. “I will repay the debt however I can.”

“Trying to destroy a train with several civilians inside is bad enough, but kidnapping Santa Claus and planning to replace Christmas with some other lousy made-up holiday is just despicable. As part of the police force, I – Inspector Gadget, will accompany you on this quest.”

“You can count me in too.” Said Luigi.

“We owe you a lot, I’m in.” said Yen, he then turned to Mandy. “You in?”

“Ah what the heck? I’ve been itching to fight someone anyway.”

“Personally I can’t fight, nor do I wanna get involved in this… but I can help you anyway.” Mr Stan pointed to his shop. “I have a few items that could be of use to you. Come by later when you’re ready.”

The only ones left were Trixie, Tad and Chad, plus Veronica and the Bouncer. Everyone looked over to them. “There really isn’t anything we can do actually, we’re not fighters and we don’t have anything to offer.” Said Trixie.

“Yeah, so don’t get us involved.” Said Tad.

“We’re grateful and all, but we can’t repay you.” Said Chad. “Our Bouncer’s tough, but we need him more.”

“We’re really sorry.” Said Veronica.

“Um… i-it really doesn’t matter.” Said Teo.

Trixie rubbed her head, but then she got an idea. “I know… tell you what, by the time we get to Shiver Town, it’ll already be dark, meaning you’ll need a place to sleep for the night… and you may wanna do some shopping while in town. So how about we pay for everything you need?”

Tad, Chad and Veronica looked at Trixie feeling shocked. “Are you serious?” asked Tad.

“Wasting our money on these kids?” asked Chad. “We need our money for more important things.”

Trixie turned and glared at the two. “We owe them you two. And I figured using our money to help the kids who are trying to save Christmas would be the most important. If you two aren't going to help then you can just take your bags over to the Room 1 and stay there!”

“O-Ok! Ok! We’ll help!” said Tad.

Trixie turned to Veronica. “You’ll help too right?”

“Of course, they did save our lives twice after all.”

Stan walked up to Sabrina. “Tell you what, in addition to this… I can give you a little something, it’s not much… but my prized pocket watch is very durable and has never missed a tick.”

Sabrina’s eyes widened feeling quite nervous. She already had his watch in her sleeve. “O-Oh uh… I… I appreciate it.”

Stan began digging into his pockets. “Now where did I put it?” he continued to dig around. “C’mon I know I have it.” Sabrina began to feel a little awkward until she saw Stan facing the other way to the crowd.

At that point, Sabrina immediately slipped the pocket watch into his back pocket when he wasn’t looking. “Did you try your back pockets?”

Stan turned to face her again and dug into his back pockets, there he took out the watch. “Ah there is it… I was certain I placed them in my side pockets.” He then handed it to Sabrina. “There you go, take good care of it.”

“Don’t worry, I will.” She then looked at it seeing the time was nine. So they had only spent an hour fighting the Ice King. “This train will be arriving at Shiver Town at one right?”

“Actually, because of the delay we had back in Mahogany Station, we’ll be arriving at two instead.” Said Yen.

“Hm… none the less, by the time we get there, it’ll start to get darker and colder. So Trixie’s right, we will need a place to stay for the night.”

“But for now, let’s eat.” Said Samantha. “We haven’t even had breakfast yet.”

Teo let out a slight chuckle. “S-She’s right about that.” With that, everyone decided to have their breakfast and worry about the events later.


Back in the castle on Freezer Mountain, we find Doofenshmirtz and Zim watching the Super Naughty-Inator being built by Norm and Gir while being assisted with the Ice King’s penguins. Doofenshmirtz and Zim smiled evilly until they heard the doors open revealing the Ice King who was covered in leaves and twigs. He walked up to them sighing in annoyance.

“So… how did it go?” asked Doofenshmirtz.

“Uhhh… nnnnot very good.” Said Ice King, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I got my butt handed to me.”

“Well what about Geoffrey?” asked Zim. “Surely his supreme power would’ve been enough.”

Ice King shown his hands revealing a bunch of dead spiders. Ice King looked as if he was about to cry. “He couldn’t do the job either…”

Doofenshmirtz placed his left arm around his shoulder. “Well don’t you worry; we’ll make them pay for defeating Geoffrey! And trying to ruin Doofmas!”

“You know, I still want Earth to be one of my five planets.” Said Zim. “I did work hard for it.”

“I know but I called dibs… even you should know about the Intergalactic Law of Dibs.” Said Doofenshmirtz. “But don’t worry, you can do whatever you want with the five planets you pick.”

“DIBS ON NEPTUNE!” called Ice King.

“NO FAIR! I wanted Neptune!”

“Now, now Ice King, you wanted girls, not planets.” Said Doofenshmirtz.

“Eh I was just joking anyway… but still, would be nice to have an entire planet full of beautiful babes who will serve my every whim.”

“Well tell you what, you can pick any other planet you want right after Zim is done picking his five.”

“But right now our main problem are those human brats.” said Zim looking furious. “They already foiled us twice and they’re on their way here.”

“We shouldn’t worry too much... even if they make it to Shiver Town; it’s a three day hike up Freezer Mountain if you’re good at climbing. And there are only five days left until Christmas. And I bet those kids don’t know the first thing about climbing, so maybe it’ll take them longer.” Doofenshmirtz looks up to Norm the robot. “Norm! How long until my Super Naughty-Inator is finished?”

“Should be ready by tomorrow morning. Just in time for muffin hour.”

“Excellent!” Doofenshmirtz began to laugh evilly. “Soon my Super Naughty-Inator… powered by the Naughty Crystals, we will make every boy and girl naughty! That way no one will wanna celebrate Christmas! And with our Reverse-Inated Knickknacks making everyone wanna celebrate Doofmas! We will make millions to make our ultimate empire and rule the galaxy… and soon… THE UNIVERSE!” he began to laugh manically

“Um… why are you saying our plan again? We already know what to do.” Said Zim.

“I know, but just in case the readers weren’t paying attention.”


In Room 4 where the kids and Celina the cat were staying, the kids were playing Monopoly while Celina slept on the couch Teo slept on. So far Sabrina and Teo had the biggest advantage for having two Monopolies each, Bowla and Jack had one each, Samantha had one and Mike got thrown into jail again. “That’s the seventeenth time!” he shouted angrily.

“Actually that’s the twenty-ninth. You really require advancing your mathematical skills.” Said Sabrina smirking.

Mike pointed to Teo. “I bet it’s his fault! After all he’s the biggest jinx I met, plus his tail is black, meaning he would be a black cat for bad luck!”

“Do you seriously believe that superstition for even a moment?” asked Sabrina.

“Yeah, if anything, he’s more like those Lucky Cats you see in Japanese shops.” Said Bowla smiling. “Cuz every time I see him, I always feel lucky.”

Teo began blushing. “Oh uh… t-thank you Bowla… I’m… always happy to be with you.”

Mike made disgusted faces. “Oh that’s real sappy.”

“And you wonder why you’ve never won a girl’s heart.” Said Sabrina.

“C’mon, I’ve won your heart with my good looks right?” asked Mike looking suave.

There was an awkward silence as they looked at Mike’s suave face and Sabrina’s surprised face. “Excuse me for a minute.” Sabrina stood up and walked out of the room and closed the door. The kids waited in silence for a few seconds. But suddenly they all heard a loud high-pitched laughter coming from outside, going from loud roaring to calming down having trouble breathing after a few seconds. Silence filled the area once more and Sabrina walked back in with her calm emotionless look, though with slight tears coming from her eyes. She sat down and faced Mike again. “No.”

“Attention passengers, we will arrive at Shiver Town in ten minutes please make sure to bring all your personal belongings and have a nice day.”

“Excellent! Our final stop, now we can get to saving Santa.” Said Jack.

“Finally, we can kick this Doof-Guy’s butt!” exclaimed Bowla.

“And we can get some presents!” exclaimed Mike

“And SWEETS!” exclaimed Samantha.

“W-Won’t be easy…” muttered Teo. Everyone looked over to him. “T-Threatening to destroy the train using explosives and a giant spider made up of millions of little ones… what do you think this Doof-Guy might have at his castle?”

“We don’t know, we’ve seen what the enemy was capable of twice… we cannot underestimate them. It is very likely that Zim and that Ice King guy are not ready to throw in the towel… and they were serving this Doof-Guy.” Said Sabrina.

“Well… the other passengers said they were going to help… let’s hope they can help out.” Said Bowla.

The train had finally stopped at Shiver Town. The kids all walked out wearing their winter clothing and carrying their belongings, Celina sat on Teo’s head as he and the kids walked out with the other passengers, plus Yen and Mandy.

Teo turned to see Sabrina had an extra bag with her. “Um… w-what's in that bag?”

“Mr Stan said we were allowed to take anything in his shop that could help us, so I picked us up some useful items.”

At that point, Sharpfin walked in front of the kids. “We will scale Freezer Mountain tomorrow, meet me at this station here and I’ll get us all there in style.” With that, he walked off in a different direction, the others who had agreed to help did the same thing except for Trixie, Veronica, Tad, Chad and the Bouncer who stayed where they were.

“Like I said we will pay for anything that you may need.” Said Trixie. “We know of a wonderful hotel just north of here called the Crystal Snowflake. It’s five-star, we will meet you there. With that she and the others walked off as well.

The kids exited the station to see the town; they felt amazed by the thousands of Christmas lights surrounding the old stone houses, even a giant Christmas tree in the centre of the town. With the sun setting over this town and the giant mountains just past them, the town looked very beautiful.

“This is amazing…” muttered Sabrina.

“So… now what?” asked Bowla.

Teo took out the letter from Santa and quickly read it. “Let’s see… it says the mayor will help us.”

“Ok… so where is he?” asked Mike.

“You’re looking for the mayor?” asked a civilian who walked up to them.

“Y-Yes please.” Said Teo.

The man pointed to the tall wide building just across the road. “That’s his house right there actually.”

“Oh… convenient.” Said Sabrina.

“T-Thank you.” Said Teo, with that the kids all walked across the road and up to the building.

Jack opened the door and the kids all walked into the long hallway. Bowla turned to see the paintings on the left side of the wall, each one was of an old man in a black coat and top hat, but each old man had a different face and a different name underneath. All except for the surname which Bowla muttered. “Scrooge?”

The others went up to the front desk and saw the woman doing some paperwork until she saw the kids. “Can I help you kids?”

“We came here to speak to the mayor.” Said Sabrina. “We were told he could help us with our problem.”

“I see… hang on.” The woman pressed a button near a speaker. “Sir… we have some children here who said you could help them with something…”

“Does one of them have a cat tail?” asked an old man.

“Cat tail?” asked the woman feeling confused, she turned to the kids. Bowla pulled Teo’s coat up and his layered trousers down to let his tail free. The woman felt shocked, but kept her composer to answer. “Yes sir.”

“Very well. Bring them in.”

“Certainly.” She turned to the kids. “Mayor Scrooge’s office is on the left here.”

“Thank you.” Said Sabrina, the kids walked to the left door.

Teo opened this door and the kids walked in, there they saw an old man wearing an old worn-out black coat. Bowla saw his face in the last painting they passed. “Good afternoon children… I am the mayor of Shiver Town, Maximillian Scrooge.”

“Hiya.” Said Samantha cheerfully.

“I had been waiting for you Teo.” Said Scrooge.

“Um… y-you have?”

“Of course… Santa Claus had written me a letter saying that he was captured on top of Freezer Mountain and he sent a young courageous boy with a cat tail to save him.”

Mike was about to make one of his gloats until Bowla slammed onto his foot making him yelp in pain. “So why does Teo need to speak with you first?” asked Bowla.

“Freezer Mountain is gigantic with non-stop blizzards. Shiver Town has never had a day with no snow, even during the summer we have it… people who are born here have never felt warm weather… because of the blizzards, no one can make it to the top on their own… to believe someone has made it to the top and had claimed the castle. It seems farfetched at first…”

“Well yeah, but Mr Sharpfin said he could help us get there.” Said Bowla.

“How will he see where he is going?” asked Scrooge. “It is impossible to see through the blizzards… so I believe the villains who had captured Santa, had also stolen one of the Illuminator Globes.”

“What’s that?” asked Mike.

“An Illuminator Globe is the only thing that can dispel the snow in a sixty yard radius. Only a few of them exist and there are the only things that can get anyone up there.” Scrooge opened one of his desk drawers and took out a snow globe with a lighthouse in it. He placed it onto the table closest to Teo. “This is one of them in question, I believe this was what Santa had in mind when he wanted me to help you rescue him… if you bring this with you to the mountains, it will light your way through it.”

Teo slowly took the snow globe to examine it. “Um… t-thank you so much.”

Scrooge smiled. “If you truly wish to thank me… save Christmas… it saved the first Scrooge from doing terrible deeds and helped turn this town into what it is… I cannot bear the idea of someone trying to destroy Christmas…”

Teo nodded and the kids began to walk out, they left the building and made their way north to where the hotel Trixie mentioned was.

‘This is it… tomorrow is the battle to save Christmas… if we don’t stop them now, this world will never be able to celebrate Christmas ever again.’ Teo’s eyes turned from shy to fierce. ‘I will NOT let that happen!’
This is it, one chapter left and with only five days left. hoped you like it
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